To start the Coaches Education Pathway visit The Locker to sign up for your NCCP#
What is an NCCP#?
A National Coaching Certification Program Number (NCCP#) is your coach education profile.
All NCCP coach training and education you take is recorded through an online database called The Locker.
*if you are interested in taking these courses and would like to know more about course reimbursement OR when the next available Practical On-Field Workshop is, please reach out to Executive Director - Amanda Fedor
Designed for coaches of U4 to U6 players and consists of completing 1.5 hours of online training followed by a 2-hour Practical On-Field Workshop. No pre-requisites required.
Designed for coaches of Boys U6-U9 and Girls U6-U8. It consists of completing 1.5 hours of online training followed by a 3-hour Practical On-Field Workshop. Coaches are also expected to complete the NCCP - Make Ethical Decisions Workshop and/or Online Evaluation, NCCP Making Headway Concussion Awareness Online Workshop, NCCP Emergency Action Plan Online Workshop, NCCP Understanding the Rule of Two Online Workshop, and Respect in Sport Activity Leader Course. No pre-requisites required.
Designed for coaches of Boys U9-U12 and Girls U8-U11. It consists of completing 2 hours of online training followed by a 4-hour Practical On-Field Workshop. Coaches are also expected to complete the NCCP -Make Ethical Decisions Workshop and/or Online Evaluation, NCCP Making Headway Concussion Awareness Online Workshop, NCCP Emergency Action Plan Online Workshop, NCCP Understanding the Rule of Two Online Workshop, and Respect in Sport Activity Leader Course. No pre-requisites required.
Designed for coaches of Boys U13+ and Girls U12+. It consists of completing 2 hours of online training followed by a 4-hour Practical On-Field Workshop. Coaches are also expected to complete the NCCP - Make Ethical Decisions Workshop and/or Online Evaluation, NCCP Making Headway Concussion Awareness Online Workshop, NCCP Emergency Action Plan Online Workshop, NCCP Understanding the Rule of Two Online Workshop, and Respect in Sport Activity Leader Course. No pre-requisites required.
Note: there is no evaluation in the Grassroots Coach Education Program. Coaches completing all of the expectations noted above will be classified as Trained Coaches.
This information was gathered from Soccer Canada's Coaches page
In addition, MHSA recommends coaches complete their